Adjusting traditional Kung Fu for modern-day situations.

Wing Chun Advanced Training - Use his pressure to blend your attacks - Kung Fu Report #228


In today's Kung Fu Report you will learn how to translate the concept of being "shapeless" using Wing Chun Lap Sao and Pak Sao into applications. By combining these two moves you will create a powerful structure that will give you the advantage against your opponent without triggering his senses to your moves.

If you would like to watch this video with subtitles, check this link out:Ā Ā https://you...

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Use these 7 energetic tips to release any grab - KFR 204


All techniques work! The most effective technique is the one you train and works at the moment you need it. There is just one observation to it, Wing Chun, Kung Fu, or any other martial arts techniques are not downloadable! You can't learn overnight or in a train session. There are different elements that make it work effectively and in today's Kung Fu Report Cris & I will demo and share with you ...

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SOLO TRAINING is next level of training - KFR #195


Great figures in martial arts history were solo trainers. They all had similarities in their way of learning. In today's Kung Fu Report we will discuss the concepts on why, how, and when to train solo.

I'd like to invite you to pay a visit to my website and take a free class and join me on one of my Wing Chun Training Programs so you can go deeper on this and many other Kung Fu & Wing Chun advanc...

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Senior Self Defense Tips - Kung Fu Report #190

The question that inspired today's Kung Fu Report is 'When I get older, how can I defend myself from an attacker?'

Elderly people usually feel very insecure when facing an attacker, most of the time because they feel they are not equivalent against their opponent. There are a few techniques that could make a senior person even in that situation and actually what you will learn from this episode c...

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Offense Finger Techniques - Kung Fu Report #188


Fingers can be used as a 'cutting' technique. Many martial artists know or have heard about finger jabs techniques. Cutting (slash across) type of techniques can be done with your fingers or with a 'Phoenix Eye Fist'.

I'd like to invite you to pay a visit to my website and take a free class and join me on one of my Wing Chun Training Programs so you can go deeper on this and many other Kung Fu &...

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Wing Chun has an arsenal of kicks - cross-kick, front kick, side kick are the main ones, all other kicks are variations of these main kicks. The reason is, just like the hand strikes, in order to follow the directness principle, the strikes use mainly straight as possible attacks. Therefore,Ā the kicks are the same idea, to go as directly as possible and hence the 3 main kicks.
Ā  Ā 
Here are some ...
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Chum Kil Uppercut

The Uppercut is found at the end of the second section in the Chum Kil form. Most of the time, Ā people explain this motion in the form of an uppercut short punch. While this may be true, it is much more than just one new technique or punches being introduced by the form. Just like Sil Lim Tao and all of theĀ other Wing Chun forms, 99% of all motions in the forms are principles and concepts, NOT mer...
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Preventive Measure

Prevent is better than cure. Whenever we're attacked by any technique (ie Pac Sau, Lap Sau, Jum Sau, etc), we must prevent the next attack from launching instead of waiting for it to happen and then dealing with it. Sometimes we do this prevention simply by hitting, sometimes the moment does not allow just hitting so we can use checking ( ie. pushing, pulling his arm, chest, hips, etc); there are ...

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