Chum Kil Uppercut

The Uppercut is found at the end of the second section in the Chum Kil form. Most of the time,  people explain this motion in the form of an uppercut short punch. While this may be true, it is much more than just one new technique or punches being introduced by the form. Just like Sil Lim Tao and all of the other Wing Chun forms, 99% of all motions in the forms are principles and concepts, NOT merely literal combat techniques.
When you learn a new technique, you have one technique but with one new principle, you have unlimited techniques because each concept or principle can be express naturally with unlimited technique. This is one of the brilliance of Wing Chun nature - one should never be limited by fixed techniques!
In the case of uppercut found in the Chun Kil form, it is actually an introduction to two new concepts. The first is an energetic concept, the second is an application concept.
Let me explain it better: 
1) First concept: The uppercut shows how to deliver short power without large rotation making one striking much faster without losing power. The flopping, whipping relax nature of uppercut in the form when executed properly shows clearly the ability to generate short power WITHOUT NEED to brace in a stance and WITHOUT the need to use a straight arrow-like alignment to attain short power! This is rather a new idea compared to all the punches and palm power methods first learned at Sil Lim Tao level. Whereas in Sil Lim Tao, the student is taught to generate good power through the use of straight alignment and a good stance structure, this new Chum Kil concept shows the student how to generate more power without co-depending on previous ideas. By learning to generate whipping relax power without bracing in a stance or strictly relying on straight-arrow alignment, the student is now free to hit in any angle with more speed because of less wastage of motion!
2) Second concept: The ability to punch around bones. The uppercut is merely a representation of an idea. If you form a Tan Sau and rotate to a bong WITH YOUR FIST closed, you will quickly realize that all possible short hooks and uppercuts angles are already shown to you. From a Wing Chun point of view, the idea of using upper and short hooks as an application is sadly often overlooked. This is really too bad because the idea of punching around bones, covers, shields, obstacles is a very very useful idea in close quarters. In the Sil Lim Tao form, the student is taught to feel and remove any obstacles on the way, this is a very good method; in this Chum Kil uppercut concept, the student is taught to blend and punch around obstacles like water. When the two concepts are used in different moments in combinations, it can become extremely difficult for an opponent to counter!
If you like this idea of new concepts generation new techniques, I have a video on my YouTube channel that shows a little bit of how to train and apply this concept. Check it out on the following link:

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