BREAKING Opponents' BLOCK - Kung Fu Report #212


It is very hard to go through opponents' blocks especially when this person is bigger than you are. Wing Chun techniques are very effective when you need to get over your opponents' defensive line. Let's discuss it in this Kung Fu Report episode and leave your comments sharing with us what of the techniques demo you think would be more effective in a real combative situation.

If you would like to watch this video with subtitles, check this link out:


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►Last article: How to analyze elements from other systems!

The Kung Fu Report is a free series about the process of adjusting Traditional Kung Fu for modern-day situations. All the Wing Chun principles and fundamentals are detailed explained.

Topics are based on the questions that the fans send us. So send us your questions.

Stay safe and train hard.


Where is the REAL SHAOLIN? - Kung Fu Report 211

Wing chun backup technique - ELBOW RECOVERY - #KFR 210

How to analyze elements from other systems!

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Nice to see you here.

Stay safe and train hard.

Sifu Adam Chan

Kung Fu & Wing Chun Academy

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